
Reading list - Neal Stephenson

Reading list - Neal Stephenson ID Title Read 1 Snow Crash  

How to customize i3 WM font

1 - First let’s make a backup of our original i3 WM config cp ~/.config/i3/config ~/.config/i3/config.ori 2 - Edit i3 WM config I gonna use NVIM to edit the config, you can use whatever editor ...

Reading list - Aleksandr Grin

Reading list - Aleksandr Grin ID Title Read 1 Velas Escarlates: Conto Feérico  

Reading list - Margaret Mitchell

Reading list - Margaret Mitchell ID Title Read 1 E o vento levou  

Reading list - Kate Chopin

Reading list - Kate Chopin ID Title Read 1 O despertar e contos selecionados  

How to install fonts on linux

1 - First download your font For this tutorial I’m gonna use Hack Nerd Font, you can get it here: Nerd Fonts download 2 - Create .fonts directory mkdir ~/.fonts 3 - Copy your fonts to .fonts d...

Alacritty install and config guide

1 - Install alacritty I’m a fedora user, so I’m gonna use DNF but if you’re Ubuntu user try APT instead of DNF: sudo dnf install alacritty 2 - Create config file nvim ~/.alacritty.toml 3 - I...

How to customize i3 status

1 - First let’s make a backup of our original i3 status config cp /etc/i3status.conf ~/.config/i3/i3status.conf 2 - Edit i3status.conf I gonna use NVIM to edit the config, you can use whatever ...

Starting up with i3 WM shortcuts

These are some shortcuts I learned using i3 WM, I’ll update it as I learn Shortcut Action Super+return Opens terminal Super+d ...

Reading list - Camilo Castelo Branco

Reading list - Camilo Castelo Branco ID Title Read 1 O condenado